sUN|26|12|2o1o @ ???
mON|27|12|2o1o @ ???
tUE|28|12|2o1o @ ???
wEN|29|12|2o1o @ ???
tHU|30|12|2o1o @ ???
mON|27|12|2o1o @ ???
tUE|28|12|2o1o @ ???
wEN|29|12|2o1o @ ???
tHU|30|12|2o1o @ ???
As you can see my friend ... no date is fixed jet ... everything's possible !!! If you can help :::
Please get in touch with us. We try to play as much shows as possible ... everywhere! Drop us a line on Myspace or diestahlmachine|@|web|dot|de. we just need some money for the gas, and a place to sleep, if it is too far to drive home after the show. (We need some extramoney, if we have to charter a Van ... ohhh ... and fooood ... and beer) ... but in the end, we can also get along with doordeals!
Please get in touch with us. We try to play as much shows as possible ... everywhere! Drop us a line on Myspace or diestahlmachine|@|web|dot|de. we just need some money for the gas, and a place to sleep, if it is too far to drive home after the show. (We need some extramoney, if we have to charter a Van ... ohhh ... and fooood ... and beer) ... but in the end, we can also get along with doordeals!
At the moment there is no other band, but we try to share the van w/ another band !!!
best wishes,
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